The Human Touch during Corona

The Human Touch during Corona
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Human Touch during Corona

Human Touch during Corona

The world has become digital once more since corona. I am thankful for the possibilities that open up for trading and communication with my customers worldwide. Nevertheless I also once more realize how much we are all social beings needing physical contact, analog exchange, and direct reflection from person to person.

I have always been aware of how difficult a digital decision about something precious and haptic as the fur will be – and how little the system of the mass-market return-policies apply on an object of real value luxury craft like the ones I create with Friendly Fur. Reason enough to initiate a first-aid design-bazaar with my fellow Berlin artists and craftsmen.

Corona conforms by law and one step even ahead by common sense, Friendly Fur invited six colleagues to expose and sell together at my so-called PRIVATE ROOF SALE. We all invited our customers and friends, even though the restrictions and precautions were tough to manage and costly to perform. But we all put together – and our clients and friends showed up plenty; very patient and disciplined referring to the strict safety regulations, highly appreciative for what we created.

The event was safe, delightful and a great joy to all participants: PRIVATE ROOF SALE was a great success in a time of great despair for all our creative businesses. It gave back hope and reason for what we do. Corona showed, that only in mass-market we might be able to accept a decrease or even see its necessity, but never in the creative niches.

Small arts and crafts businesses give reason to all our lives through their inspiration and mindfulness. They…we… create the most important objects out of light-footed visions. Without a doubt, uniqueness and time are the most precious ingredients as much as the love that we put into our real value luxury goods.

Everybody’s lives profit from this ever fresh and creative energy and inspiration that independent cultural underdogs or starting icons give to the world; …and big players depend on urgently. We soon will come back with the PRIVATE ROOF SALE – ‘cause after Corona even more we will need the human touch and the real value luxury creativity in innovative uniqueness.

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